The Three of Cups reflects abundance and emotional outpouring of creative joy. It invites us to do what we love, and to love that which we have chosen to do. From this space, we can pursue and achieve our hearts desire. This card looks to me like confidently putting yourself out there, bursting with energy and passion towards whatever is deep in your heart – mysterious creative ideas being conjured and born.
There are no limits in the Universe. At an atomic level, there is MUCH more space inside atomic structures than there is form, and therefore, EVERYTHING that IS form – solid, liquid or gas – is more formless than it seems, whether a rock or a human being. In terms of this card’s meaning, it follows that limitations in the physical dimension are created by our own perceptions.
With that in mind, the visible physical limitations in the world may appear to exist, but this does not reflect any actual lack, or that these perceived limitations are a bad thing – they are simply ingredients to work with as we pursue the creative desires of the heart. You have everything you need in order to do what you came here to do. And when we understand that the enormous space inside atoms – the sense of formlessness or at least, dissolution of hard boundaries – allows a free flow of energy between ourselves and all that is “other” than self, then we can connect to infinite creation – and any perceived limitations are observed as blessings instead.
The woman in this particular card is engaging in the act of creation from a position of strength, energy and understanding. And since this is a Cups card, her creative activity arises from the desires of the heart. And her form is half dissolved into the great Cosmic Ocean, indicating an understanding that there are no real physical barriers to a meaningful existence. She is creating in a space where we sense that only harmonious things can come into being.
This card embodies almost an explosion of uplifting and positive energy, and good feelings. May it bless us all today.