Good morning, everyone. Compared to yesterday’s daily reading of the Nine of Wands’ strength in reserve, there is nothing reserved about the Ace. The Ace of Wands indicates a tremendous upsurge of ideas and imagination, as well as the enthusiasm, inspiration and energy necessary to undertake a creative project or venture. In this card, one might also say that you have been struck by the radiant light of the Divine, which now pours forth through you and into the world.
The creator of this tarot deck has described the wand as “a blooming branch of hawthorn, adorned with red ribbons.” Also, the hawthorn tree is associated with the element of Fire, the realm of the Wands. Here we see the wand planted firmly on a mound overlooking the castle city and surrounding region. A new morning has dawned, and the confident energy of new and exciting possibilities is apparent.
To me, pulling the Ace of Wands in the morning wipes the slate clean and begins anew, and inspires us to make good use of the day’s optimism, powers of invention, and energy. Nurture your spirit and creative self today with permission and sensitivity.
This is a very good day to be alive. Shine forth, readers!