The King of Wands is all about an abundance of fiery, spiritual, passionate and creative energy, which you are inclined to use in a positive direction. The energy of the King of Wands is intense, representing the masculine push of forward motion – the animus – needed for the next steps in one’s journey, a new beginning, a project or an aspiration.
If the card is not speaking to you specifically today, then the King of Wands, especially as a Court Card, can represent a person: someone with a lot of intense focused energy, in a position of authority, or a leadership role. This person may be someone you respect or seek guidance from, as it relates to having great inner strength. This may also be an aspect within you that you need to tap into in order to move forward.
You may also see the King of Wands in current events today, taking decisive action in a positive direction, perhaps at the Congressional hearing.
The King of Wands is a sign that one is already well on the way with regard to spiritual exploration. However, it also warns of a slight tendency to perhaps get carried away and try to push too far, too fast. Developing spirituality is a process, not an overnight sensation. Give yourself time and space to just be. If sitting still and meditating is difficult for you, that points to an even more urgent need to make time and efforts to do it. Start with a short simple exercise, as outlined below. Or do some deep breathing for 30 seconds. Do what works for you.
Have a GRRRRRREAT day!