The essential qualities of the Six of Swords are that new knowledge will help you grow and move beyond your current limitations, there is a lessening of difficulties, and travel or change of location is indicated in order to gain distance from difficulties.
You may be on the verge of making important changes in your life, and in so doing, may also need to think about what you’re taking with you and what you need to leave behind. This is a Swords card, so I’m not referring to material things, but to the realm of the mind, clarity and consciousness, and the sharp edge of truth. Because of their strong connection to truth, the Swords are also heavily associated with justice and fairness.
The figure in this card is almost to their destination. While we may not know from whence they came, we can see they’re past troubled waters and are smoothly floating toward the light of a whole new world.
This is the message behind the Six of Swords. You may not be where you want to be just yet, but you’re moving in the right direction.
The Six of Swords — like all Sixes — reminds us that we’re not alone. The person in this particular version of the Six of Swords may look like a lone figure, but we don’t get to the “other side” without assistance from someone, even when that “assistance” comes in the form of a setback that forced us to change direction.
It also provides clarity and perspective. We may see things we don’t want to see — or admit to ourselves — but it’s that kind of clarity that motivates us toward change. Take a moment today to reflect on all of these things.
Astrologically, there’s a lot going on with the Moon today, as it moves into Gemini, that I believe resonates with the Six of Swords. The Moon has significant aspects today to Neptune, Saturn and Pluto: facing challenges and creative personal development; thinking that is guided by an extraordinary combination of intuition and determination; responsibility and organizational talent. Today the Moon has handed in all its energy to make your creative or intuitive dreams come true – new aspects on your career and a change of location are indicated, just as with today’s Six of Swords.