My apologies for missing a daily reading here and there – yesterday I had three medical appointments, and time just flew away until I realized it was after dinnertime.
So this morning, the Three of Cups card came up for our daily reading – it must be trying to get our attention, as this is the second time in a week! Well, I then researched and chose this particular Three of Cups image for its lush Spring imagery. It’s a beautiful Spring weekend out there where I live, and I sincerely hope readers might take a few moments to enjoy and celebrate it, perhaps with others – which may be one’s furry, feathered or fish family, if not humans – and even if through the window, which is what I am doing.
The Three of Cups is an auspicious card to draw, and a good omen for the weekend. It indicates an initial completion in the feeling realm. The first phase is over. Can you call to mind a celebration of an initial completion in your life?
This particular depiction of the Three of Cups also shows us nurturing and finding joy in others. Take time with others this weekend – including our animal family – to acknowledge and appreciate them, and to celebrate the simple joys of being alive.
If at all possible, this is not a time to focus on our problems, no matter how pressing. I remember in the movie, What About Bob?, when the psychiatrist wrote Bob a prescription that instructed him to “Take a vacation from your problems.” Can we do that for one weekend, even if we are working at our jobs this weekend? And make an appointment with ourselves to resume the pressing problem(s) on another day? (If my own psychologist-mentor is reading this, thank you for similar wise counsel and support you have given me over the years!)
Finally, this card reminds us – including me – to practice gratitude, and see what develops. If our problems are undeniably, unrelentingly overwhelming or critical, sometimes it helps to identify and list for ourselves all that for which we are grateful – such as the blooming lilac tree outside of our bedroom window, our dogs here on the bed beside me, the birds chirping twittering about to build there nests, and the sun showing itself today, spotlighting all the variations of the new Spring green. I am so grateful for these things.
I am of course thinking about my mother this Mother’s Day weekend, and the other mothers to whom I am related or not. A special letter arrived from my sister this morning, talking to my brother and me about our mother, who passed away over 10 years ago – appreciating my mother’s unique qualities, and expressing what we all feel: not a day goes by that we do not miss our mother. I realize that not everyone has a mother who can be appreciated, but for me, in my life, this letter this morning was a completely unexpected Three of Cups moment.
Wishing you a lovely day, and thank you for visiting here, and celebrating the simple joys in life with me and with other readers. You are not alone. And if you’re able to do so, let someone else know they are not alone, too.