Traditionally, The Lovers card represents perfection, harmony and mutual attractiveness. It often represents a soul mate connection. But while it seems like the meaning of The Lovers card is obvious, it is in fact a highly symbolic card that has meaning beyond relationships. This is why I chose this rendition of the card for today.
The Lovers is a Major Arcana card, one of a series of 22 cards reflecting the major stations or archetypes along the life journey, stations we stop at over and over again, as we spiral up the mountain of enlightenment, so to speak. So when this card appears, its symbolism is going to tell the seeker something significant about his or her life journey.
The Lovers card is the sixth card in the Major Arcana. In numerology, the number six represents love, balance, and responsibility. Likewise, it is the first card to contain more than one person or figure, in this case, two intertwined animals.
The card is placed between The Hierophant and The Chariot. This position is intentional, as are all placements of the 22 Major Arcana cards on a soul’s journey from innocence to wisdom. The Hierophant represents the first step in a more spiritual and emotional part of the journey, moving beyond earthly needs, and the Lovers card continues this journey, suggesting the capacity for heart-centered wisdom in making choices. So while on the surface, The Lovers card might seem to be about romantic love, the card is also telling the seeker that he or she has a choice to make about something significant.
The card also suggests loving guidance is available, because in order to make the most beneficial choice, one must be centered in spiritual wisdom and love. The choice may be about love and relationships, or it may be about some other aspect of life, such as career or friendship. Whichever aspect of life the choice reflects, the effect will be far-reaching.
The Lovers card also may signal the opportunity to create a situation anew through spirit and heart-centered choices.
Regardless, whenever this card appears, chances are that a significant choice will soon be upon you.
Hope you all have a good evening. Until tomorrow, then.