As you can see, Judgement is a dramatic card. It indicates a rebirth, awakening, revelation or breakthrough. New perceptions. Renewed enthusiasms. Call to action. Rite of passage. Expanding vision. This card does not so much reflect a change in circumstances as it does a change in the inner world of the individual; it may signify a new perspective which helps one to navigate a previously threatening situation, or a spiritual practice or belief which provides solace and resolve. It may simply signify the moment when an individual decides to accept a situation, and move on.
This is also a card of healing, quite literally, from an accident or illness. I always try to find a story to relate to the daily card. In this case, I am reminded of John 5:8 in the Christian Bible: “Arise, take up your mat, and walk.” In this story, Jesus comes across a man laying on his mat by a pool, having been paralyzed for 38 years. Interestingly, the crippled man expresses no prior knowledge of Jesus, nor any overwhelming desire to be healed. The lesson for me, in relation to the card of Judgement today, is that even when we don’t seek healing or seek what’s best for us, the Life Force can (and often does) reach down and imbues us with renewed life. Or in the vernacular, It kicks us in the butt and tells us we can now get moving.
Study the card carefully for yourself. Whatever it speaks to YOU today, feel the strength of the winged helmet, the brightness of the light, the loud call of the trumpet. Rise up! Take up your mat! Walk!