The essential qualities of the Six of Swords are that new knowledge will help you grow and move beyond your current limitations, there is a lessening of difficulties, and travel or change of location is indicated in order to gain distance from difficulties. You may be on the verge of making important changes in your […]
All of the Four cards symbolize structure, stability, or manifestation. Here we see this man is holding on tightly to his financial resources. The Pentacles can also refer to other types of resources or things in the physical realm, such as possessions, property (including intellectual property), the home or hearth, the family, and the physical […]
The King of Wands is all about an abundance of fiery, spiritual, passionate and creative energy, which you are inclined to use in a positive direction. The energy of the King of Wands is intense, representing the masculine push of forward motion – the animus – needed for the next steps in one’s journey, a […]
As you can see, Judgement is a dramatic card. It indicates a rebirth, awakening, revelation or breakthrough. New perceptions. Renewed enthusiasms. Call to action. Rite of passage. Expanding vision. This card does not so much reflect a change in circumstances as it does a change in the inner world of the individual; it may signify […]